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Find calmness, clarity and courage through nervous system regulation
Do you pay regular visits to yourself?
You have probably undergone profound change over the past years. You thought you were done - yet life has been inviting you this year to dive even deeper.
Deep change like this can show up in various ways: Maye you feel lost, stuck or a lot of self doubt. You maybe feel tension in your body and mind. Or other symptoms of stress, like sleep issues, digestive problems, or racing thoughts. You put a lot of pressure on yourself to get out of the situation - yet all the pushing and analyzing only makes it worse.
The reason why your old ways aren't working, is because it's time for a new path.
Stress:less - A seminar and self exploration
With „Stress:less“ I want to share the tools, knowledge and practices that help me guide my clients through these changes and face them myself. It is a seminar and self exploration to find calm, clarity and courage through nervous system regulation. We combine nervous system regulation theory and practices, with mindfulness, guided coaching explorations and a powerful group.
The goal of the program is to not only support you get clearer and more regulated throughout these four months. It is about cultivating tools that can support you throughout your journey of impact in this world: finding calm under stress, meeting challenges mindfully, feeling more aliveness and meaning, having clarity and courage to follow your path.
To match the busy calendars, we will dive deep in 3 in person workshop days across 4 months. In between you will integrate the learnings through practices and self reflection. If questions arise, the program includes optional group mentoring calls, and a 50 minute 1:1 session.
Your stress is your holding on to old ways.
The approach
As typical in my approach, we work with your whole system: body, nervous system, breath, mind and heart. How do you deal with stress? What gives you meaning? What holds you back? - We will explore those questions and more through the lens of science and mindfulness.
During the 3 in person workshops we explore the theory and science behind the nervous system and dive deep through self-exploration. Between the sessions you will receive practices to regulate and ground your nervous system. This not only helps you find more balance, but also allows you to get to know different regulation approaches and test which ones fit best for your lifestyle. To support you with any individual challenges or opportunities, the program includes a 50 minute 1:1 coaching session and two optional 1 hour group mentoring calls.
Our handpicked group of like-minded leaders who are willing to go deep, will serve as an accelerator for each individual process - and who knows which other magic might unravel from there.
Freedom lies in opening up to the life and leadership you really want.
Program Overview
What we will cover:
The theory and science of nervous system regulation
A profiling of your own nervous system
How to find calm during change and stress
Different practices to regulate your nervous system
How nervous system regulation improves your relationships/ leadership
Simple science-based tools to find more calm, clarity and trust
...and some more individually for the group that comes together
What's included:
3 Full Day in person workshops
2x 1h Group mentoring calls for arising questions (optional)
Weekly practices to support your journey (lifetime access)
1x 50min 1:1 coaching session with Nina
Free participation in all of Nina's online meditations: Rest:ful & breathwork
Re.connect advent calendar 2022 (optional to join)
In Person Workshop Days in Vienna 1080
Group mentoring: in alignment with group
1:1 Coaching: per personal preference
Price regular in person: 1.500€
Price for pilot group: 999€
(for business please reach out for a dedicated offer and invoice)
Or 4 monthly rates: 275€/ month
Still wondering if this is for you?
This is for you, if:
You currently feel stuck, lost or have a sense of disconnection
You face stress symptoms: overthinking, tension, sleep issues, digestive issues,...
Your old tools don't seem to work anymore and you secretly don't want them to
You doubt yourself a lot and don't trust what you want (although you used to)
You feel "out of control" often lately and want to feel safe again
You put a lot of pressure on yourself and want to find others ways
You want your body and mind to work together again
You want to have more courage to lead the life you really want
You sometimes feel like they only one wanting to lead differently
You enjoy combining science with self exploration
You want a science- yet mindfulness-based approach
You are curios and open-minded
You crave more grounding and calm in your life
You want to find new tools to create more calm in your life
You are open to going to new depths
How this program supports busy schedules:
A group of individuals who face similar challenges and visions
Workshop days on Saturday around public holidays to leave enough space for integration on Sunday and the following week
No theory work between sessions
Online practices <15mins to fit into every schedule
Pre-recorded practices for flexible timing
Group mentoring calls optional
Group mentoring & 1:1 session to exchange on difficulties
Be Ground.
Be crumbled, so wildflowers will come up where you are.
You've been stony for too many years.
Try something different.
- Rumi
Your Transformation
My hope is that by the end of this journey, you will feel a new sense of trust and courage in yourself and your path. A sense that is not only based on life or you being perfect, but on you trusting that you will take care of yourself no matter what happens. I hope it encourages and empowers you to create the impact and life you truly want. I hope you feel more at home and safer in your body. And that you have found tools that really work for you and your life to support you throughout your journey of impact in this world. And that maybe you found some new people walking this path alongside you.
My vision
Nervous system regulation is for me an invitation to listen to myself deeply again and knowing how to be there for myself. It's a way to find my balance, remember my trust and to feel home in my body, my relationships, my creativity, my life. To me, mindfulness and nervous system regulation need to go hand in hand. By learning to listen to ourselves, understanding our body and its language, we change the quality of our life and of those around us.
My vision is that through this journey you will remember that sense of home within yourself. That these tools, experiences and exchanges will open up the courage to lead the life and career you really want to have. And that you will serve as an example to those around you to remember their calmness, clarity and courage inside - not through doing anything, just by being. If anything, my hope is that this program allows us all to be free to be human again - with all our flaws and all our beauty.
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